A Word From Flippy Montana
November 25, 2018 4:33 PM
Smops Welcomes Flippy Montana
We are very excited to announce our partnership with Flippy Montana to represent Smops as our official spokesperson. Flippy brings an abundance of enthusiasm to our team with years of gritty sales experience. Yes, he is a little intense. But after a number of calls, emails, and DM’s to our head office, we can honestly say we have never met someone as excited about our Smops as Flippy. Welcome to the team!
An Excerpt From a Recent Interview:
Q: So Flippy how’d you get into the sales business?
A: Well I’ll tell you what - after years of working at a small accounting firm, I finally decided it was time for me to chase my dream of becoming an infomercial pitchman. I quit my job as a capital accountant in March of 2016 and started doing product reviews on my Instagram channel, and just really focused on trying to get my name out there. I had faith that someday I'd get recognized.

Q: Your dream was to become an infomercial pitchman? That isn’t something you hear every day. How did this interest spark for you?
A: Well like a lot of children I always looked up to the “As Seen on TV Salesmen.” We didn’t have a full cable package growing up, so those guys were my favorite program to watch. Obviously kids these daysonly want to talk about the late great Billy Mays and Vince Shlomi, but I grew up with Tony Robbins, Richard Simmons, and Jay Kordich the Juiceman. Those guys were myidols and I hope to continue their legacy.

Q: How do you feel about representing smops?
A: Oh boy! It’s just been a dream come true. So far we’ve only done a couple of shoots but those guys at Smops sure know how to make a fella feel special. They flew me in, paid for my Uber Pool to the studio location, gave me a free authentic Italian sandwich for lunch, AND a monthly supply of free Smops. I just really don’t want to let these guys down. They are even talking about getting me on Kimmel if their launch goes well this holiday season.
Q: You are going to be on the Jimmy Kimmel show?
A: No no. Kimmel is a new type of basic eye care. I could finally get those glasses I think I’ve always needed.

Q: Any words of wisdom for your younger fans?
A: Always, Always, ALWAYS remember to keep on believing in your true potential because you would be surprised what you can accomplish if you just try really hard. I mean your absolute hardest. Harder than you’ve ever tried at anything before. Even if what you are up against is… really hard. Remember to think about that and, just always do your best and you will do great things. That’s it. That’s what Iwould tell them.
For the full interview follow @FlippyMontana on Instagram.